
mercredi, mars 31, 2010



Abençoados os que possuem amigos, os que os têm sem pedir.

Porque amigo não se pede, não se compra, nem se vende.

Amigo a gente sente!

Benditos os que sofrem por amigos, os que falam com o olhar.

Porque amigo não se cala, não questiona, nem se rende.

Amigo a gente entende!

Benditos os que guardam amigos, os que entregam o ombro pra chorar.

Porque amigo sofre e chora.

Amigo não tem hora pra consolar!

Benditos sejam os amigos que acreditam na tua verdade ou te apontam a realidade.

Porque amigo é a direção.

Amigo é a base quando falta o chão!

Benditos sejam todos os amigos de raízes, verdadeiros.

Porque amigos são herdeiros da real sagacidade.

Ter amigos é a melhor cumplicidade!

Há pessoas que choram por saber que as rosas têm espinho,

Há outras que sorriem por saber que os espinhos têm rosas!

Machado de Assis

Libellés :


squirrel nut zippers

Adoro!!! Ouça!

Libellés :

lundi, mars 22, 2010

Kumaradadatta, Srngarakarika

Seu hálito é como mel aromatizado com cravo;

Sua boca, deliciosa como uma manga madura.
Beijar sua pele é como experimentar o lótus.
A cavidade do seu umbigo oculta uma profusão de especiarias.
Que prazeres repousam depois, a língua sabe,
Mas não pode dizer.

Srngarakarika, Kumaradadatta (século XII)

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Alice inspira objetos de design

dimanche, mars 14, 2010


match and munch

Eliminate pesky crusts while making sandwiches into an interlocking puzzle. On sale here.

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“la bande”

Designed by Sarah Lovgren, the modular “la bande” lounge is here to take your interior designing to a new level. Mold it to be used as a seat or a recliner. Choice is entirely yours! Its flexibility lets you transform it without much fuss and lets you comfortably relax.

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Message-in-a-Cookie Cookie

Message-in-a-Cookie Cookie Cutters let you add messages to your baked goods with pre-made words like "I Love You" as well as 3 sets of alphabet letters for less conventional messages like "clean your room" or whatever it is you want to convey through confections.

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samedi, mars 13, 2010

early bird

Pájaros y cables falsos para colgar tu ropa. Diseñado por Fabian Von Spreckelsen.

hanger tea

Diseñado por Soon Mo Kang.

Libellés :


Colgador para esos que aman los aviones. Diseñado por Kolja Clemens para MOM.

Libellés : ,

Lifetokens are neat little tokens that tell people what you need to say. The front of the token features a design that represents a specific sentiment, and the back of the token contains a unique six-digit code. lifetokens are real objects sent via real mail in order to express real emotions.


Tokens are purchased online and shipped anonymously via real life mail to the recipient.

The recipient finds a mailer containing the token in their mailbox.

The recipient follows the instructions on the mailer and enters the unique six-digit code (found on the back of the token) at lifetokens.com.

The token message and sender information is revealed to the recipient.

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This promotional ad was for the launch of Clearasil, a new acne pill. The creative solution was to use the same container to give the message: “May this be the last time. The end of acne starts wih Clearasil.” At the back of each sachet are drawings of faces with acne that -when you press the sachet to take the pill- the grain of the print is removed. A little disgusting, but very effective!

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Apple's Window Display

Apple's window displays shatters all our preconceived notions on what a store window should look like. For its new iPod Hi-Fi, it simulated a broken window in front of a iPod Hi-Fi sound component!

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Como aconteceu?

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Casttoos cover up your cast with cool designs that show off your personality, rather than your injury. They're waterproof, easy to apply and a great way to cheer up while you get well.

Casttoo offers X-ray decals that are applied with heat to your cast like tattoos; you can even send your own busted-up X-ray to create a custom Casttoo.

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AMPLIFIER is the London-based design studio by Florian Kremb.

Florian’s fresh way of looking at things has generated a diverse range of compelling and commercially successful ideas for both national and international clients in the field of Product, Furniture and Graphic Design and his own collection of AMPLIFIER products.

His initial approach is strongly focused on the infra-ordinary and the so-called “banal” as a point of inspiration – the “banal” becomes beautiful, the utilitarian unique.

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IKEA squatte le métro

Du 10 au 24 mars 2010, IKEA crée l’événement dans 4 stations du métro parisien.

Un an après avoir détourné le mobilier de la Gare de Lyon, IKEA revient à la rencontre des

parisiens. Complice de leur quotidien, la marque invente un nouveau contexte insolite pour leur permettre de découvrir sans perdre de temps ses fauteuils et canapés.

Champs Elysées Clémenceau ligne 13
St Lazare ligne 12
Concorde ligne 8
Opéra ligne 8